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Memory Loss

Right from the beginning, God had set me up for success. He was aware that I had a problem with being able to remember things. Many years ago, I had taken some medication to help me lose weight. The drug combination fenfluramine/phentermine, usually called fen-phen, was an anti-obesity treatment that utilized two anorectics. Fenfluramine was marketed by American Home Products (later known as Wyeth) as Pondimin, but was shown to cause potentially fatal pulmonary hypertension and heart valve problems. With it came a side effect, I lost some of my short-term memory, called Anterograde Amnesia.

I could be drinking a cup of hot tea (my favorite), lay it down on the table, and then look at it wondering how that had gotten there.  Placing my hand on the cup, seeing it was still hot, and there was no one else in the house; just me. I was the one that laid the cup there. This is not the same as with other memory loss such as minor everyday slips and lapses of memory that come from age, Alzheimer’s, Dementia, etc.

There was a difference, and I was to discover it was linked to the medications. The doctor said; “it would improve some in time”, but I was never able to get back to where I once was with my memory.

That is why He would impress upon me to write things down. Not daily as in a journal, just key events. For me, that was the part that seemed so strange. Why did God want me to write it down?  I knew that it was Him that had given me the miracle or gift in the first place. NO one else was getting the credit – all HONOR was to GOD!

With every opportunity I have been given I sing God’s praises on these incredible gifts.

He is mighty

“Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised; and his greatness is unsearchable.”  Psalms 145:3

I would have no way of understanding where God would later direct my path.  And once again, He was giving me what I needed when the time came.

As with life you may have even ran across someone that was trying to set you up for failure. I am MOST THANKFUL God does not set us up to fail. He WANTS us to succeed. He LOVES and cares for us!

Steadfast with God

“Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.” Proverbs 3:5

“My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, saith the Lord.” Isaiah 55:8