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Never Give Up Hope

My message to you is never give up hope. I was a complete WASTE and beyond all hope; I was bound so tightly by the forces of evil. I had no redeeming qualities what so ever; chaos, pandemonium and bedlam was me.

I have often thought why did God choose me? I was a failure, disappointment, and I was the poster child for what you never want to be. I had one failed marriage and the current one I was working on to bring it down. I was on countless medicines, numerous health conditions, was spending money faster than the treasury could print it and did not know how to stop, not to mention I had walked out on a loving God that had been nothing short of a perfect gentleman. He had never done anything to me and I had been icy cold for 32 years, as if that was not despicable enough. That is the VERY reason I believe He chose to use me as an example to never give up hope. If God can take me and still be able to use me, then there certainly is HOPE for you and yours. That is my prayer for you. To KNOW what God did for me and He is just waiting for you.

That is why it is my belief that God chose me. I could NOT have been a more horrible person in most EVERY way. I should not be here, yet I am! I am only here because of the power of God.

This is my best attempt to differentiate between God and the arch enemy satan. God is like that perfect gentleman. He opens the doors for you, He pulls out the chair for you to sit down, or pulls it out for you to get back up again. He also extends His hand to help you when exiting the car. These are some of the chivalrous features of my God. In my humble attempt to try to do justice to God, He is this and so much more. He will never force you into anything; He will only be there with His arms out stretched to offer assistance. It is up to us and how stubborn we are if we choose not to accept His hand. For He truly is THAT PERFECT GENTLEMAN; so sweetly there for us.

Attributes of God are, loving, kind, compassionate, sweet, forgiving, affectionate, tender, caring, merciful, tolerant, gentle, sensitive, considerate, patient, straightforward, direct, benevolent, generous, giving, demonstrative, peace, truth, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, strength, justice, comfort, hope, purity, stability, steadfast, wonder, beauty, awesome, adoring, fabulous, genuine, undeniable, grace, honest, great, inspiration, life, warmth, loyal, mighty, joy, pure, trust, marvelous, outstanding, power, amazing, spectacular, awe-inspiring, breathtaking, superb, remarkable, grand, tremendous, astounding, fantastic, magnificent, astonishing, exciting, respected, incredible, impressive, majestic, revered, all-inclusive, complete, all-encompassing, valued, honored, admirable, treasured, inspiration, and excellent.

On the other hand is the evils of satan. He will draw you in by the bright lights of gambling, sex, drugs, alcohol, smoking, partying, spending until you can’t find room for another thing. And when all else fails there is depression. These are the lures of EVIL that satan offers. He cajoles, charms, captivates and with dazzling enticements draws you in anyway he can with every trick available to a snake oil salesman with fancy packages, pretty things and bright lights until you are hooked and can’t break free.

Don’t forget about the art of illusion, camouflage and even the snare is not beneath his evil ways. He has no intentions of ever letting you go, but not because he cares for you, heavens no, nothing could be further from the truth. He is that person that wants to control and dominate you. He won’t stop until he has destroyed you. And by the time you have figured it out you are so deep over your head and can’t find a way out. That was his intent right from the beginning. The pitfalls of satan are to destroy lives, families, and all we hold dear. If you think that they are not that destructive, try talking to anyone that has been impacted by them and you will soon change your tune.

Attributes of satan are, cruel, controlling, nasty, brutal, malicious, vindictive, merciless, vicious, heartless, ruthless, callous, scheming, rude, calculating, domineering, overbearing, heavy-handed, demanding, forceful, manipulative, shrewd, cunning, devious, deceitful, underhanded, Machiavellian, sneaky, crafty, sly, oblique, tortuous, tricky, mean, evil, immoral, vile, revolting, disgusting, loathsome, insufferable, malevolent, wicked, spiteful, intolerable, detestable, abhorrent, repugnant, repulsive, hateful, obstinate, contrary, perverse, gross, foul, nauseating, jealousy, contemptible, lust, bitterness, rebellion, greed, stubbornness, cantankerous, awful, impatience, appalling, nervous, despicable, contrite, ominous, pride, fearful, anxious, horrendous, atrocious, disgraceful, obnoxious, worry, and unbelief.

Ladies, when you begin to compare the two as if they were your date for the evening, I would venture to say you would choose the first over the later. I certainly did! Yes, I know there are those of you that like the ‘bad boy’, but it’s the image you like, not the man. You will end up marrying a man trying to fit the image and never be truly happy with your choice. Men, if the roles were reversed which of these would you choose to date?

No one in their right mind would ever want someone that treats them poorly, however, that is exactly what you get when you choose satan. I could have saved myself so much hurt if I could have only seen then what I do now. Just as I spoke previously of the key to the Bible, until God opens yours eyes, you will never fully see what is right in front of you. I should know; I am astonished at what I see and know now that I was not able to grasp before. Nothing changed except God opened my eyes. Now I see through a glass darkly.

When your eyes are opened

“For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.” I Corinthians 13:12

He has turned me completely around 180 degrees, and now the spark that began on September 20, 2009 has erupted into a full-blown inferno. It can’t be put out as I won’t allow it! The flames are constantly being fanned. I have never been so in love, I’ve never been so happy. He is my top priority; I will shine until Jesus comes. If you look at all God has done for me, it will blow you away.

You don’t come back after 32 years and generally stay, the odds are against you. You have to have your mind made up. Not only have I stayed, but my fire WILL NOT be diminished, it only continues to burn brighter for God’s Glory. But God in all His infinite wisdom saw something in me, for I can certainly tell you there was nothing.

If God could do something with me, He certainly can and will do something for you and your loved ones too.

There is no one too awful or difficult that God cannot help ...  NEVER GIVE UP HOPE! 

He desires that all should be saved ... NEVER GIVE UP HOPE! 

If you allow satan to defeat you, you are giving up ... NEVER GIVE UP HOPE! 

Do not believe satan’s lies ... NEVER GIVE UP HOPE! 

When it looks like all hope is gone ... NEVER GIVE UP HOPE! 

When you have made such a mess of your life ... NEVER GIVE UP HOPE! 

There is nothing too big God cannot handle ... NEVER GIVE UP HOPE! 

There is nothing He can’t do ... NEVER GIVE UP HOPE! 

When you think you’ve been away from God too long ... NEVER GIVE UP HOPE! 

When you ready to throw in the towel ... NEVER GIVE UP HOPE! 

If you think God will never forgive you ... NEVER GIVE UP HOPE! 

Just when you think you’ve taken all you can ... NEVER GIVE UP HOPE!

That is when God shines the brightest; NEVER, NEVER, NEVER GIVE UP HOPE! He is RIGHT there!!!  Just believe and you will see! He is a miracle worker.  I should know and He is just waiting for you to give it to Him so that you can have your own miracle. Just like me.

Yes, there are stories in the Bible of raising the dead, and the blind seeing, but God is still performing those miracles today too. They are not reserved for the Bible days alone as some may have you believe, they are still occurring today.

Never give up hope

“Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ;” I Peter 1:13

“For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief.” Proverbs 24:16

“For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister. And we desire that every one of you do shew the same diligence to the full assurance of hope unto the end: That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises.”  Hebrews 6:10-12

“May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.” Ephesians 3:18-19