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Why the Endtime?

I called Brother Baxter, and as he had always been, he was kind and humble. I tried to convey my sincere thanks for the nudge and what it meant to me.  I use the word nudge, because in my case, I was so fragile that I was not able to take the harsh line of “You better get in church now or burn in hell forever.”  His approach with me was just what I needed and I thank God for that and Brother Baxter.

For anyone that keeps up with End-time events and prophecy then you will surely know of Irvin Baxter.  I have now purchased his understanding the Endtime series, as well as other DVD’s he produces. There is a wealth of knowledge he shares in all his materials. In addition, he also has a daily radio broadcast, and bi-monthly magazine as well.

As a little girl I could never understand why there were so many different churches. When we went to church, we passed numerous others just to get to ours.  I didn’t question it, but in my heart I wondered. It would not be until God spoke to me about buying some DVD’s would I have a clear understanding.

God had impressed upon me, the first time to buy Brother Baxter’s ‘Salvation package’, as I was trying to help Bill to understand what I had taken for granted. I thought everyone knew the truth. I didn’t do it right then and completely forgot about it.  Then next time He laid it on my heart, I told Him I was sorry. It was not until the second time that I immediately recalled the first and dropped everything I was doing until I got it done.

Sounds funny, but since I had not bought anything in quite a while, I had trouble even finding my credit card and had to call Bill at work. I could not wait until he got home and take the chance I would forget again. Something that was so simple for me became more complicated and time consuming.

I did not stop until I finally had the DVD’s purchased.  When they arrived we watched them together. Brother Baxter mentioned a caveat on his radio broadcast; “not to watch them if you don’t want to know the truth.”

I had no way of knowing I would learn something new.  That is when I was to discover the reason behind the different churches. It broke my heart.  They were created to keep people on the wrong path.  That was an injustice.  Here are good people that love God and they are not being told the whole truth.  Brother Baxter goes into detail on his research and it will move you, or should I say it sure did me.

We can’t cherry pick what we like or dislike regarding scriptures in the Bible.  It’s not ours to choose.  We have to have it all from cover to cover.

I have no affiliation with Irvin Baxter or Endtime. However; I choose to endorse Brother Baxter and his Endtime materials as I have the most fantastic endorsement from anyone, God Himself!  So you have got to figure, if God is sending me there, would He also not want you to go or at the very least get the materials for yourself?  God knows what Irvin Baxter is saying!  That is some reference!  It would behoove you to check it out.

Be not deceived

“Take heed to yourselves, that your heart be not deceived, and ye turn aside, and serve other gods, and worship them;”  Deuteronomy 11:16

The irony is I now find myself in a position with great pleasure to endorse the VERY thing and the VERY person I feared the most on the planet. And the reason is simple GOD!!!

Yes, God changed me. He can and will change you as much or as little as you like. But He will never force you. You still have the ultimate decision and the choice is always yours. Just remember while He is a God of great mercy, compassion, benevolence, blessings, and tenderness the Bible references 495 scriptures on them. They will not extend on Judgment Day.

 "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad." II Corinthians 5:10

"Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand." Daniel 12:10