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Miracles Abound And Blessings - A Prodigal Daughter's Journey to HOME (HEAVEN)

Copyright © 2010 - 2050 or HIS Return by (Lynn Brant/Bill Brant)

All Scripture from KJV 1769 - Public Domain

All Pictures taken by Bill Brant and provided by GOD 

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission from the author.

Verbal approval was given by Irvin Baxter Jr. for use in this story.




Lynn wanted readers to "Take note that the name satan is not capitalized.  I choose not to acknowledge him even to the point of violating grammatical rules.  For 32 years he controlled and nearly destroyed me intentionally there is no acknowledgment given him."




This book is dedicated to our LORD JESUS CHRIST who died for us and is so worthy of all the Praise and Glory and Honor. We are just part of HIS-Story and all the Miracles that only HE can provide.

 Click on the Links below to read this Amazing Life story

Table of Contents

Preface - God's Plan For Me
The Right Church
Private Me
Soul Mate Bill
Memory Loss
So Many Souls
Comfort Zone
My Sweet Diana
Why The EndTime
No More Pills
Sleep Apnea
Spares My Life
Write It Down
Tammy & Halo
Precious Gifts
GOD With Us
Write The Book
Easter Blessing
Never Give Up Hope
On Fire For GOD
 My GOD To Me And Pearls Of Wisdom
 Full Testimonal Book Coming Soon

King James Bible Online


With God, all things are obtainable, especially the impossible

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